Pet Aid FundOur Pet Aid Fund assists families with the cost of emergency veterinarian care for their pet(s).
It helps families like... Lavetta and Lane Lavetta came to Neighborhood Pets after Lane had broken through the security gate to try and visit the dog next door, which caused him to tear his canine tooth out. Lavetta was beside herself, unsure how she would afford an emergency vet visit. We were able to give her a voucher to take him to a veterinary partner right away so his tooth could be pulled. We also scheduled Lane to be neutered so he wouldn’t constantly try to escape to see the dog next door. |
Dignity FundOur Dignity Fund assists families with end-of-life services for their pet(s).
It helps families like... Christina and Midnight Christina came to us for help when she noticed that Midnight’s eye had started bulging suddenly. We knew right away that he needed to go to a vet, but Christina was short on money and didn't know how she would pay for it. We referred her to one of our veterinary partners and helped cover the cost of Midnight’s medications. Unfortunately, this sweet, senior guy declined quickly and Christina had to let him go across the rainbow bridge. When she needed help to have Midnight cremated, we referred her to another partner, and she was able to lay Midnight to rest peacefully and in a way that she will always be able to remember him. Assistance is available on a limited basis determinate upon qualifications, and restrictions apply.
We partner with Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Services. Learn more. |